The first international and specialized exhibition of medical and therapeutic services and health tourism was held on November 23-26, 2022 at the same time as the 15th medical and hospital equipment exhibition at the permanent location of international exhibitions of Fars province in Shiraz.
According to Ali Farhadi, Managing Director of Shiraz International Exhibitions Company, this exhibition was held in an area of six thousand square meters and 180 booths.
Farhadi believed that the success of health tourism depended on the medical reputation of each country in terms of hospitals, necessary infrastructures, well-known specialists and the variety of medical services, and ultimately the price, and expressed his hope that the holding of the health fair would be able to better integrate health tourism activities and the development of the city’s tourism. Shiraz will lead.
He stated that specialized delegations from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Tajikistan will be present at the exhibition
Seyyed Vahid Hosseini, the technical manager of Persiamedtours Health Facilitator Company, who was present in the health tourism section of the exhibition, pointing to the good and constructive negotiations of Persiamedtours with the foreign delegations present at the exhibition, expressed his hope that with the efforts of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and other relevant institutions in holding such events And creating opportunities for health tourism facilitator companies to introduce the health capacities and capabilities of the province and also support these companies, we can soon witness a huge development and forward movement in the field of health tourism in Fars and Shiraz province.
Zahra Hashemi, Managing Director of Persiamedtours, while thanking the officials of the exhibition, said that Fars and Shiraz province, due to the high capacities of health tourism, as well as historical and religious tourism and nature tourism attractions, can be a good destination for tourists from all over the world, and activists in this field should not limit themselves to Persian Gulf countrie
Referring to the visit of the specialized delegations of Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Persiamedtours booth at the Shiraz health tourism exhibition, she expressed hope that these negotiations would be a prelude to the arrival of health tourists from the eastern countries of Iran to Fars and Shiraz province.
Also, Mohammadreza Sedghamiz, an activist in the field of health tourism and the executive director of PersiamedTours, on the sidelines of the visit of the Tajik delegation to the PersiamedTours booth at the health tourism exhibition in Shiraz, positively evaluated the talks between PersiamedTours and the Tajik delegation and said that the similarity of the language and culture of Iran and Tajikistan is a sign of the long-standing connection between the people of this country. The two countries have a good opportunity to establish extensive relations in the field of health tourism. Especially specialized fields such as organ transplantation and infertility treatment as well as cosmetic surgeries can be the field of communication between Fars and Eurasia.